Founder, changemaker, creative, mother.

With over two decades of experience in early years' education, hospitality, and family lifestyle sectors, I have built start-ups into global brands. Now, I'm able to guide others while embarking on exciting new start up projects of my own.

Whether you're a founder, operator, or investor, whether you're just starting out or seeking growth, I offer a unique perspective based on hands-on experience, a keen creative vision, and a reliable network.

My mission? To simplify childcare and make it more affordable for parents but still profitable for owners. I'm about to launch some incredibly useful software to support this as stage one. I'm also reimagining community-centric spaces to enhance the experience for everyone involved..


Brand building

Commercial strategy

Marketing & Design


Brand building • Commercial strategy • Marketing & Design • Leadership


    As a true collaborator, I find new ways to innovate and create opportunities that inspire learning and exploration. I transform space, products and services into awe-inspiring educational experiences that meet the unique needs of young children and their families.


    I bring a fresh perspective to the world of entrepreneurship, providing guidance on everything from laying a strong foundation to scaling operations and building a thriving business that stands out in the marketplace and makes a real difference in the world.


    I identify ways to push the boundaries of what’s possible with branding and lead the charge in the world of design-led entrepreneurship. With strategic thinking and creative flair, I support businesses in creating standout brands that resonate with their target audiences and challenge the status quo.


  • “ Maggie Bolger epitomises ‘thinking out of the box’ and putting your money where your mouth is"

  • “ I described Maggie today in a meeting as Ballsy, committed, inspirational, and her passion with the speed of thought blew my socks off. 🧦🧦”

  • “ Maggie’s ethos of ‘why’ coupled with business acumen makes her a force to be reckoned with, and she truly spoke my language - literally.”

as Seen IN

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